Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Preparing Research Questions and Hypotheses Assignment

Preparing Research Questions and Hypotheses - Assignment Example Alvesson and Sandberg (2011) suggest that identifying and constructing gaps in existing theories is one way of generating research questions. Additionally, Toledo, Flikkema, and Toledo-Pereyra (2011) suggest that a necessary ingredient of a well-developed and sound research study is a research hypothesis since it contributes to solving the research problem. Variables requiring full-value assessment and close correlation leads to the formulation of a complex hypothesis. On the other hand, the hypothesis can be very simple hypothesis is formulated depending on the undertaken protocol.   Bansal and Corley (2012) state that in quantitative research, careful and adequate preparation is vital to the plan that is laid down at the commencement of the research can be faithfully executed. In qualitative research, idea exploration is the main activity. Bahà §ekapili, et al., (2013) say that scientific research, which is a quantitative research, is a process that usually starts with a problem and the willingness to solve that problem before generating a research report on a particular topic. This explains why it is inappropriate to formulate hypotheses for a qualitative study.   In conclusion, appropriate research questions generation together hypotheses formulation in relation to topic scope is the starting point of an effective research study. It is also important to remember that hypothesis formulation is appropriate for a quantitative research study.   

Monday, February 10, 2020

7 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

7 - Research Paper Example In order to develop such a system, the software development team should make use of different design patterns because these patterns help them detect problems that arise during the development. It also provides an effective solution of problems (Martin, 2000). â€Å"In object oriented architectures, a design repeats the same structures over and over again. These repeating structures of design and architecture are known as design patterns† (Martin, 2000). Additionally, there are many design patterns that are used in different scenarios. In addition, each pattern is aimed at solving a specific problem (Hauck, 2014). The objective of this paper is to discuss the pattern that can be used for an automatic health monitoring system. In the scenario of an automatic health monitoring system the behavioral pattern is best suited because behavioral patterns are useful for supporting communication between different objects. In software engineering, behavioral design patterns are typical design patterns, which are required for identifying common communication patterns and connecting different objects. In this manner behavioral patterns are helpful in increasing flexibility in carrying out any sort of communication between objects. In fact, this pattern offers much greater flexibility than other patterns because this pattern allows software developers to decouple objects from each other. Due to this coupling and decoupling facilities, they can be easily configured to make dynamic algorithms and methods (Schatten, 2013; Morandi, et al., 2013). In the scenario of an automatic health monitoring system there are different objects, which have various relationships and can demonstrate different results in response to different inputs. The pattern that we will use for an automatic health monitoring system is known as behavioral pattern. The working of this pattern is discussed